The community, which has been named Mitzpe Yonatan and is located just outside the city of Arad, west of the Dead Sea, is already home to 20 young families.
‘G-d caused rain of sulfur and fire to fall on Sodom and on Gomorrah…(Lot’s) wife looked behind her and was turned into a pillar of salt (Genesis 19:24-26)’ By Nosson Shulman, Licensed Tour Guide Lot’s Wife (overlooking the Dead Sea) was turned into a pillar of salt some 4000 years ago (see Genesis 19). Photo... Read more »
Research has demonstrated the Dead Sea's healing effects for those suffering with PTSD and anxiety as well as physical ailments such as skin diseases and rheumatic conditions.
The majestic Dead Sea goes through many changes throughout the year. Thanks to an Israeli photographer, you can now see these changes in his spectacular images.
The prestigious tourist magazine, “Travel and Leisure" recently listed the Dead Sea as the number one "healing" destination in the world! Watch and learn some facts about the Dead Sea you may not have known.
Following the biblical recounting of Lot’s Wife who was turned into a pillar of salt, Israel’s Dead Sea region is now famous for the world’s longest salt cave.
An Israeli company is working to make the world’s most important crops be made more drought-tolerant by adding specific genes found in the parched regions of Israel.
The new Dead Sea Research Institute will coordinate the work of four separate research bodies in Israel and Jordan that are working on the area from the Arava to the Jordan Valley, and are carrying out advanced studies for the benefit of the local population and neighboring peoples.
A beautiful video by Amir Aloni featuring an aerial view of the Dead Sea and the sinkholes that have been opening up around it.
The Dead Sea is a salt lake that sits 400 meters below sea level, making it the lowest point on Earth. It is famous for its extreme salinity which makes it impossible for plants and fish to survive - hence the name "Dead" Sea.
An Israeli partnership announced that an oil field they have been surveying north of the Dead Sea is estimated to hold seven million barrels of oil, worth NIS 1.2 billion ($321 million).
Include Ein Gedi, a breathtaking oasis in the desert, in your next trip to Israel to explore many secrets, biblical sources and incredible wildlife and views.
Israeli non-profit organization Ofanim has retrofitted six old buses into mobile study labs in order to run educational enrichment programs for children, and Israeli startup Communer developed an app that helps communities to communicate better with their members.
As the sun rises over the Dead Sea, a majestic scene of beauty is revealed. This is especially breathtaking at the famous Dead Sea, where the land comes to life as the day begins.
The Dead Sea is one of the most popular tourist locations in all of Israel, not just for tourists from all over the globe, but also for a flock of storks!