At Jaffa Port, the vibrant fusion of Purim and Holi turned the streets into a dazzling celebration of dance, color, and tradition, as Israel and India embraced their shared heritage with music, food, and festivity, proving that joy knows no borders.
The delegation will focus on strategic areas, including agriculture and water technologies, cyber and information security, digital health, renewable energy, Industry 4.0, and smart transportation.
The seminar focused on the increasing use of drones in both security and criminal activities, such as intelligence gathering, weapon carrying, and precision attacks.
'I am convinced that the common desire and mutual visits, such as this delegation, will deepen the trade relations between the two economies,' says Israeli economy minister.
As India faces a skyrocketing number of corona infections and an overstretched medical system, the Orthodox Union launched a two-week emergency campaign.
India’s central counter-terrorism agencies concluded that an Iranian unit was behind a recent terror attack launched near the Israeli Embassy in Delhi.
A local terrorist group, Jaish-Ul-Hind, claims responsibility for the minor explosion that took place on Jan. 29. A note found at the scene hints that the failed attack was a prelude to others.
'We are blessed to see their arrival to Israel during the festival of Chanukah – this is a tremendous light for us all,' said Israeli Minister of Aliyah and Integration Pnina Tamano-Shata.
The Bnei Menashe have continued to practice Judaism just as their ancestors did, including observing the Sabbath, keeping kosher, celebrating the festivals and following the laws of family purity.
India is the first country to take advantage of ClimaCell's offer to provide high-resolution weather forecasts for up to 48 hours ahead, free of charge.