Chemical Fertilizers Israelis are developing a way to get rid of chemical fertilizers, which boost crop production, but are hazardous to human health and the environment.
Israel's date growers in the Jordan Valley represent a diverse group of passionate farmers who use cutting technology to produce the world's best dates!
An Israeli company is working to make the world’s most important crops be made more drought-tolerant by adding specific genes found in the parched regions of Israel.
While global urbanization has decimated the world's population of honey bees, which play a crucial role in food production, Israel is doing its part to reverse this trend.
Tu B'Shvat is one of the four New Year celebrations on the Hebrew calendar, demonstrating that the Jewish nation always had an appreciation for nature.
Thanks to a dedicated educator and a caring individual, 130 young men who were “lost in the system” became productive citizens imbued with a sense of purpose.
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