After the horrific incident Thursday morning in which a Palestinian terrorist butchered a 13-year-old Jewish girl in her bed, Palestinian Authority (PA) head Mahmoud Abbas and other Palestinian leaders have so far remained silent and continue to incite against Israel.
Israel is set to increase its supply of electricity to the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip in order to help enable the Palestinians to operate a new sewage treatment plant there and to reduce water pollution, which is also affecting Israel.
“The most dangerous nation in the Middle East acting against Israel is the state of Facebook,” said former head of the IDF Military Intelligence Directorate Amos Yadlin.
Israel said it refuses to negotiate under ultimatum in response to France's threat, despite the wave of Palestinian terror, to recognize the "state of Palestine."
Yuval Steinitz—Israel’s minister of national infrastructure, energy and water resources—on Monday returned from a secret visit to Abu Dhabi over the weekend.
Although the UN investigation into Iran's nuclear activity has ended and remains incomplete, the US and EU are moving forward to implement the nuclear deal.
A day after the European Union voted to label products originating from Judea and Samaria, which infuriated Israelis across the political spectrum, the US administration came out in support of the EU position.
A senior Israeli Cabinet minister on Tuesday condemned a European Union plan to begin labeling products from Judea and Samaria, saying the move amounted to "disguised anti-Semitism."
Israel and US lawmakers responded in fury to the exposed IAEA deal that allow Iran to inspect its own nuclear sites, calling the agreement “remarkably naive and incredibly reckless."
Despite the US Energy Secretary's recent appeal to Israelis to support the Iran deal, he now admits that the US expects a rise in Iranian terror as a result of the agreement.
Secretary of State John Kerry said the US was working to repair its ties with Israel, but criticized Prime Minister Netanyahu for his disapproval of the nuclear deal with Iran.
With only two weeks to go to the deadline, Iran and the P5+1 still have not agreed on many crucial issues, deepening Israel's fear that the US and other world powers involved in the negotiations will sign a bad deal.
Attendees at the annual Jerusalem Post conference, held in New York this year, heckled Treasury Secretary Jack Lew when he defended the Obama administration's policies on Iran. Israeli officials condemned the rude response.
The bill approved by the Senate regarding the deal on Iran's nuclear program is "a good compromise" and a result of Israeli efforts, says Minister Steinitz.
Israeli leaders are deeply worried that the agreement with Iran will encourage and assist the Islamic Republic in expanding and financing terror in the Middle East and around the world.
The Israeli cabinet, after meeting on Friday, was unanimous in its condemnation of the framework nuclear deal achieved between the P5+1 and Iran a day earlier.
If its back is against the wall, Israel will take any action necessary to defend itself, Israel's minister of Strategic Affairs and Intelligence affirmed.
As the Obama administration progresses towards a dangerous deal with Iran, a bipartisan delegation of US senators came to Jerusalem to support Netanyahu.
Iran's lack of disclosure regarding its nuclear program has raised suspicions that the Islamic Republic is indeed pursuing the bomb. Yet talks with the West continue.
Israel and the US condemned the ICC's hypocritical decision to investigate Israel for alleged war crimes, while no such probe was launched against Hamas, the PA or Syria.
Israel is livid about the pending PA bid at the UN Security Council and should consider responding with force to dismantle the PA, says Israeli Minister Steinitz.
Netanyahu flew to Rome in a last-ditch attempt to secure a US veto for the Palestinian proposal at the UN. Will the Obama Administration support Israel?
A new, five-day ceasefire came into effect despite the firing of rockets from Gaza into Israel on Wednesday night by Hamas and the subsequent IAF retaliation.
As of Monday morning, Hamas has maintained a ceasefire overnight. An Israeli delegation is expected in Cairo to begin talks regarding a permanent arrangement.
Israel, deeply disappointed by US acceptance of the new Palestinian government, has responded with tenders for 1500 new homes in Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria.
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