Ben Shapiro passionately defended the concept of 'Judeo-Christian values,' arguing that despite theological differences, Judaism and Christianity shared a deep-rooted foundation.
As we celebrate the New Year for Tress, it is time to reflect upon Israel's unique ability and urgent responsibility to care for the natural resources that God created.
The event was part of an initiative by the Tzalash association – in this case, an acronym for 'Tzava Leshem Shamayim,' or 'An army for the sake of Heaven.'
One cannot talk about Jewish intelligence or Jewish intellectual qualities without understanding the central role Torah study has played in Jewish education.
Israel's Bible Competition remains a major annual event in the Jewish state, and the brand new Talmud Competition is designed to strengthen connections to Torah values, Jewish history, and the Land of Israel.
Life is simply another aspect of Creation. Sometimes the good is not immediately apparent, and we have to wait in order to see the benefits of what was done.
A completed volume in an Italian translation of the Babylonian Talmud will be published next week, marking the first publication of its kind in 500 years.
Discover some fascinating facts and insights about the ancient relationship between Iran and Germany - and the future epic battle between Iran and the West.
We should be moved by and want to show appreciation for anything nice that someone does for us, whether big or small. Bribes do not always involve money.
Tzedaka is the Hebrew word for charity, although it literally means justice or righteousness. Charity is an obligation in Judaism, not merely a nice thing to do.
Angels are seen to play an important role in preserving the relationship between God and humans. They frequently carry Divine messages intended for people.