The oldest known Ten Commandments tablet, dating back over 1,500 years to the late Roman-Byzantine period, has been sold at auction in New York for a staggering $5 million.
The oldest complete stone tablet of the Ten Commandments, dating back over 1,500 years to the late Roman-Byzantine period, is set to be auctioned at Sotheby’s New York on December 18.
Shavuot is one of the three pilgrimage festivals, together with Passover and Sukkot. Yet unfortunately, there are many Jews who really have to stop and think when asked what Shavuot is all about.
Former Israeli Ambassador Yoram Ettinger explains the deep bond between America and the Jewish state, which has catapulted cooperation to unprecedented levels.
A marble slab depicting the Ten Commandments which likely adorned the entrance of a synagogue that was destroyed by the Romans between CE 400 and 600, or by the Crusaders in the 11th century, has been bought by a private bidder and will be available for public viewing.
If we would concentrate on fulfilling the commandment to "love your fellow as yourself," we would never feel jealous of others who have more than we do.
Shame disconnects us – from others and also from ourselves. Disconnection is the diametric opposite of wholeness, as connection is the very mainspring of well-being.
The world's oldest complete copy of the Ten Commandments is on display in the Israeli capital as part of an exhibit tracing the history of civilization.
When you come to the conclusion that a major purchase should not be made due to some financial or other consideration, it is a minor form of prophecy from God.
When honoring our parents, we ensure that family peace, harmony and values are continued and passed on to the next generation. It is also a way of honoring G-d.
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