The Connection Between Chanukah and the Story of Joseph Joseph and his dreams are discussed in the Torah portion Vayeishev, which always either precedes Chanukah or falls during the holiday.
Living Torah: There are Vacations… and There are Vacations! Enjoy your vacations, but remember: They complement life, they don’t replace it.
Living Torah: How Falls Can Springboard You Even Higher! We must remember that sometimes the challenges that we face are trampolines to get us higher than before.
Living Torah: Don’t Lose That Connection With a Loved One There is nothing more rewarding than an unbreakable bond with a spouse. And when you do, even when things get tough, you get through it together.
Living Torah: How Remembering the Source of Life’s Challenges Helps Overcome Them! Next time you have a bad day, remember that our challenges are sent from Above, in precisely the manner God intends them to appear.
Living Torah: Like Joseph, Follow your Dreams! Stick to your dreams, follow your dreams, interpret them all for the better, and when life isn’t as sweet as can be, rest assured that Someone high above is ultimately looking out for you and your welfare.
Living Prophesy: Was Trump’s Historic Statement on Jerusalem Predicted by a Rabbi Hundreds of Years Ago? It might just be that Trump's December 6, 2017 Jerusalem declaration was foreseen by a Torah scholar in the 13th century!