An Israeli artist discovered a way to fight against the darkness of terror and destruction: Turning the remains of Hamas missiles into Chanukah light. Prime Minister Netanyahu was honored to tap into this incredible light!
As Hamas rockets exploded in Israeli towns across southern Israel, blackening the sky and darkening the spirit, an Israeli artist was working hard to brighten up the atmosphere with sparks of light. He has turned the darkness of terror into a source of light – in a very literal way!
Yaron Bob, the artist, lives in southern Israeli village near the border with Gaza. Yaron takes the remains of Kassam rockets and transforms them into beautiful Menorahs. In his words, “I take the Kassam, the instrument of death and I change it, I transfer it into something of beauty.” Yaron’s project is truly a modern-day version of “beating swords into plowshares” (Isaiah 2:4). The idea of turning a symbol of terror into a source of light is especially appropriate during the time of Hanukkah – the Festival of Lights – whose message is all about the victory of light over darkness.
United with Israel’s unique Sderot Menorah, made from the remains of Hamas rockets that exploded in Israel, was used by PM Netanyahu at a lighting ceremony with soldiers of the IDF’s Duvdevan unit.
Thousands of years ago, the ancient Greeks sought to destroy the spiritual illumination of the world – our Holy Torah. Ancient Greek culture represented the ultimate darkness – a lack holiness and spirituality. A lack of God. It was during this time that the Jews experienced the miracle of Hanukkah, as just a small jug of olive oil was enough to keep the Menorah in the Holy Temple lit for 8 full days! And a small Jewish army defeated the massive Greek military machine.
It was a clear sign that the light our Torah had defeated the darkness of the Greek empire!

Throughout history, the nations of the world have sought to destroy the Jewish people. Yet not one has succeeded. And each of those evil empires of darkness were themselves obliterated, while the Jewish nation, a beacon of truth, hope and light, survives and flourishes.
The message of Hanukkah is the eternal story of the Jewish people – transforming death into life, destruction into growth, darkness into light. These incredible Menorahs, created from Hamas missiles meant to kill, are eternal reminders of the strength, endurance and shining light of the people of Israel.
Today, nearly one million residents of Israel live under daily threat of rocket attacks from Gaza. An entire generation of children has been traumatized by the terror of ongoing rocket attacks. With only 15 seconds to find cover, lives are in jeopardy.
By purchasing a menorah, candlesticks, jewelry or any of these unique symbols of light, you become a partner in protecting the citizens of Israel from future attacks. A portion of every purchase will be donated to build bomb shelters and save lives.

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