Police at the scene of a terror shooting attack on road numer 1 near Maaleh Adumim, in the West Bank, February 22, 2024. At least eight people were injured, 3 of them seriously. (Photo by Chaim Goldberg/Flash90) (Photo by Chaim Goldberg/Flash90)

Three shooting victims are in critical condition with gunshot wounds to the upper body.

By Charles Bybelezer, JNS

An Israeli was killed and ten others were wounded on Thursday morning in a terrorist shooting on the Route 1 highway near Ma’ale Adumim, 4.3 miles east of Jerusalem in Judea.

Magen David Adom paramedics treated the victims on the scene, including three in critical condition with gunshot wounds to the upper body. Two other Israelis were moderately wounded and the rest were lightly hurt.

Five of the victims were evacuated to Shaare Zedek Medical Center and another was taken to Hadassah Medical Center, both in Jerusalem.

Security forces and armed civilians shot and killed two Palestinian terrorists at the scene, according to police. An additional terrorist was located and killed following a search.

The three terrorists had opened fire on vehicles waiting in traffic to pass through the az-Za’ayyem checkpoint en route to Jerusalem.

Police said the terrorists were armed with assault rifles and a grenade.

They were identified as residents of the Bethlehem area.

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Earlier this month, Israeli Border Police officers thwarted a stabbing in Al-Eizariya, located close to Ma’ale Adumim on the outskirts of the eastern part of the capital.

Officers stopped a Palestinian suspect for questioning, who then drew a knife and attacked them.

The officers opened fire in response, killing the terrorist.

No other injuries were reported.

On Dec. 31, two Israelis were wounded in a Palestinian stabbing at the Mishor Adumim industrial zone in Ma’ale Adumim.

In August, six Israelis were wounded in Ma’ale Adumim when a 20-year-old Palestinian from Al-Eizariya (also known as Bethany) opened fire with a handgun outside the main shopping mall in the city.

An off-duty Border Police officer shot and killed the terrorist, who was found to have also been armed with a knife.