The destruction caused by Hamas Militants in Kibbutz Be'eri, near the Israeli-Gaza border, in southern Israel, October 14, 2023. Photo by Erik Marmor/Flash90 (Erik Marmor/Flash90)
Kibbutz Be'eri

One Israeli defense source shared with NBC the meticulousness of the plans, noting, “the level of specificity would cause anyone in the intelligence field’s jaw to drop.”

By World Israel News Staff

NBC on Saturday released documents found on the bodies of Hamas terrorists revealing detailed plans to target children from the religious Kibbutz, Sa’ad in southern Israel.

One Israeli defense source shared with NBC the meticulousness of the plans, noting, “the level of specificity would cause anyone in the intelligence field’s jaw to drop.”

The papers, which were discovered by first responders and labeled “top secret,” contained comprehensive information, ranging from maps pinpointing the positions of kindergartens and schools, strategies on the number of children to murder or hold captive, to elaborate plans for a getaway. While schools are shut on Saturdays, many Israeli children play basketball or soccer at school facilities.

The disclosed documents went into granular details, issuing directives for two elite Hamas terrorist squads on how to infiltrate communities, focusing particularly on areas where civilians gather, with an emphasis on locations frequented by children, the exact manner in which vehicles should approach target villages, the formation of platoon columns, and the configuration and length of each motorcycle-bound group.

Instructions within the documents were chilling, with commands like “kill as many as possible” and “capture hostages.”

The strategies outlined in these papers mirror the maneuvers and tactics observed in video footage of the assaults on the town, providing a stark insight into the operational depths of the terrorist organization.

Another official expressed his shock to NBC at the extensive planning aimed at maximizing civilian casualties, stating, “I’ve never seen this kind of detailed planning” for a mass terrorist attack.

A broader review of the documents revealed that Hamas had been methodically collecting intelligence on every kibbutz along the Gaza border and devising tailor-made attack plans for each one.

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