An Israeli police officer secures the area around the Maxim Restaurant, the scene of a suicide bombing in the northern Israeli port city of Haifa Saturday October 04, 2003. Photo by Alex Rozkovsky/Flash 90 Alex Rozkovsky/Flash 90
maxim bombing

Two decades ago, Haifa witnessed a devastating suicide attack which left an indelible mark on the collective memory of Israel.

Two decades ago, the city of Haifa in Israel bore witness to one of its most devastating tragedies as the Arab and Jewish owned Maxim restaurant was targeted in a horrifying suicide bombing attack.

This act of violence left an indelible mark on the collective memory of Israel, with both Jews and Arabs deeply effected by this horrific attack that left 21 people dead and many more injured.

Even after 20 years, the memory of this tragic event continues to resonate. Yoseph Haddad, an Israeli Arab activist, talks about how the attack impacted his life and how the restaurant functions today.

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