Iranian drones. (Iranian Army via AP) Iranian Army via AP
Iran Persian Gulf Tensions


“The use of this facility for enrichment purposes clearly indicates Iran’s intentions,” said Israel’s Foreign Ministry.


The Islamic Republic of Iran’s decision to enrich uranium to 20% at its plant in Fordo “should serve as a wake-up call to all those who advocate for appeasement towards Iran,” Israel’s Foreign Ministry stated, demanding that the international community act.

Iranian Government Spokesman Ali Rabiei announced Monday that Iran has started enriching uranium to the 20% purity level at the underground Fordo nuclear facility.

“The government had announced earlier that the parliament’s ratification is a binding law which should be abided by the government,” Rabiei stated.

The 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) stipulates that Iran can enrich uranium to the level of 3.67%.

Israel’s Foreign Ministry stated in response that Iran has “again breached its international obligations.”

It noted that according to the archive of Iran’s Amad Project to develop nuclear weapons that was exposed by Israel, the facility in Fordo was built with the goal of enriching uranium for a nuclear weapon program.

“The use of this facility for enrichment purposes clearly indicates Iran’s intentions,” the Foreign Ministry underscored.

“This act should serve as a wake-up call to all those who advocate for appeasement towards Iran,” it added.

Foreign Minister Gabi Ashkenazi called on the international community “not to tolerate Iran’s defiant acts and to view this step as a red line that requires a decisive and immediate response. Israel will never allow Iran to acquire a nuclear weapon.”

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stated during the Cabinet meeting on Monday that Iran’s announcement “is a gross and total violation of its commitments.”

“There is no other explanation except for the continued realization of Iran’s intention to manufacture nuclear weapons. I reiterate: Israel will not allow Iran to manufacture nuclear weapons,” he said.

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