Muhannad Abu Rumi. (screenshot) screenshot
Palestinian incitement

This Palestinian preacher steals stories from the Jewish Bible to incite Palestinians to kill Jews.

Just days after a Palestinian official was caught referring to Jesus as the “first Islamic martyr,” footage surfaced of Palestinian Authority (PA) Shariah Judge Muhannad Abu Rumi misappropriating the Jewish people’s liberation from Egyptian bondage, an account that Jews retell each year during Passover.

“Pharaoh is represented in this generation by the American tyranny that wants to impose its rule. And we as the Palestinian people are in the situation of Moses. And Moses struck him and killed Pharoah!” said Rumi. “We will not accept the occupation. We will overcome [Israel]!”

This Palestinian preacher is literally trying to steal stories from the Jewish Bible to incite Palestinians to kill Jews. Sick.

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