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The weekly Torah portion of “Shlach” (Numbers 13:1–15:41) features the tragic story of spies who were sent to scout the Land of Israel, in what supposed to be an imminent entry by the Jewish people.

Unfortunately, the spies returned with a negative report and the Jews were punished with wandering the desert for 40 years.

Perhaps one “good” thing the spies did was that they brought back samples of the fruits of the land of Israel.

Rabbi Enkin’s class will explore the fruits of the land of Israel, including the seven species, from ancient agricultural times to modern day high-tech Israel and everything in between.

The four-cornered, fringed garment known as “tzitzit” (and it’s “big brother” – the “tallit” prayer shawl), make an appearance at the end of the Torah portion and will be discussed as well.

Enjoy this fascinating webinar with some fruit for thought with strings attached!