The funeral service for Yonatan Havakuk and Boaz Gol who were killed by Palestinians in axe attack. (Olivier Fitoussi/Flash90) Olivier Fitoussi/Flash90
Palestinians axe attack

Israel’s security system is still on high alert fearing further attacks.

By Sheri Oz, TPS

Leaders from around the world expressed their horror after the Thursday evening terror attack in the town of Elad in Israel, in which two Arab terrorists axed to death three Israelis and conveyed their condolences to the families of the victims.

Tor Wennesland, The United Nations Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process, said he was “appalled” by the attack sent his thoughts and prayers to the families of the victims of the murderous terror attack, and offered wishes for a speedy recovery of the wounded.

U.S. Secretary Anthony Blinken condemned the attack and sent condolences to the families of those murdered. He extended the traditional Jewish prayer: “May their memory be a blessing.”

Germany’s Ambassador to Israel Susanne Wasum-Rainer declared that “terror can never be justified. Deeply saddened by the news of the attack. A speedy recovery to the injured.”

Lisa Stadelbauer, the Canadian Ambassador to Israel, stated: “Terrible news of another terror attack on civilians in Elad, on the Independence Day holiday. We condemn terror unreservedly and stand with the people of Israel.”

Belgian Commissioner Oliver Verhelyi expressed shock at the attack, saying that there is no justification for acts of terror or incitement to hatred and violence. The Belgian Embassy in Israel also condemned the murder and wished the injured a speedy recovery.

Austrian Foreign Minister Alexander Shallenberg was horrified by the news, declaring that such acts are unacceptable. Austria stands with Israel, he wrote, “in fighting the scourge of terrorism.”

Also standing with Israel against terrorism are the United Kingdom Foreign Secretary Liz Truss and UK Ambassador to Israel Neil Wigan. They were “appalled by the attack against innocent people as Israel was winding down its Independence Day celebrations.”

Touching on the families of the victims, Ori Shechter, CEO of “One Family Together,” an NGO working with victims of terrorism and their families, spoke with TPS just before setting out to visit a family shattered by the Elad attack.

He wanted to bring attention to the fact that terror attacks have a far-reaching impact beyond the direct victims. There are, of course, spouses and children of the victims, but also members of the extended family whose lives will never be the same again.

Eyewitnesses to the attack often experience post-trauma symptoms and need help coping with these, he added.

Israel’s security system is still on high alert fearing further attacks.

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