Israeli ambassador to the United Nations Danny Danon sent an urgent letter to the UN Security Council (UNSC) following the latest three Palestinian terrorist attacks in Israel on Tuesday, decrying its lack of condemnation for the attacks and asked the Council members to “open your eyes.”
Palestinian terrorists carried out attacks in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem and Petah Tikva, during which Taylor Force, a 28-year-old American tourist, was murdered and fourteen others were injured.
In his letter to the UNSC, Danon wrote that since the onset of the current wave of violence the Palestinians have committed 317 terror attacks at an average rate of 2.18 attacks against Israelis every day.
“This ongoing wave of terror has claimed the lives of thirty four victims – thirty four fathers and mothers, sons and daughters, husbands and wives, buried by their loved ones. Yet, the Security Council has not condemned Palestinian terror even once,” Danon charged in his letter.
The Ambassador also emphasized in his letter the significant role played by Palestinian incitement in the recent attacks. “The international community must not continue to ignore this ongoing campaign of brainwashing and indoctrination,” he wrote.
“I ask you to open your eyes, condemn the ongoing attacks,” Danon demanded.
Danon has previously assailed the UNSC for its inaction and silence with regard to terror attacks against Israel, while being very vocal on terrorism elsewhere.
Addressing a debate on the situation in the Middle East in January, Danon pointed out that the UNSC “has passed 12 resolutions condemning terror in countries around the world, but not once has it condemned acts of terror against Israelis.”
During the last six months, during which Israel has suffered from a wave of almost daily Palestinian terror attacks, the UNSC has adopted twelve resolutions against terrorism and condemned terrorist attacks in France, Sinai, Lebanon, Mali, Tunisia, Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Nigeria, Burkina Faso, Somalia, and Sudan.
Yet, “not once were the lives of Israelis murdered by terrorists recognized by this Council. No condemnation, no expression of solidarity, not even a statement of concern. The facts don’t lie. The Security Council has been hypocritical when it comes to Israel.”
The Council’s decision to ignore the Israeli victims of terror “is no simple oversight,” Danon accused. “It is the direct result of allowing cynical political considerations by some to take priority over the lives of people.”
By: Max Gelber, United with Israel

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