Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal and Ayatollah Khamenei in Iran in 2009. (AP/Office of the Supreme Leader) (AP/Office of the Supreme Leader)
Khamneie Mashaal

Iran continues to support global terrorism – especially the Palestinian quest to destroy Israel.  

Hamas representative in Iran Khaled al-Qaddumi met with Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammed Zarif on Monday and briefed him on the “latest developments in the Palestinian arena.”

According to a report by the Hamas affiliated al-Qassam agency, Qaddumi updated Zarif on the latest wave of Palestinian terror attacks in Israel, affirming that “the Intifada [violent uprising against Israel] would continue despite Israel’s “crimes and its tight security grip” as he termed it.

Qaddumi also talked about the supposed “growing humanitarian crises in Gaza,” which he claimed was a result of the blockade on Gaza by Egypt and Israel.

Zarif, Iran’s chief negotiator in the nuclear talks with the P5+1 Powers, hailed the “Palestinian resistance and its struggle for the liberation of the Palestinian land from the occupation.”

The Iranian minister added that Iran’s position towards “the Palestinian cause” was “always a principled stand” and was never affected by “marginal issues.”

At the end of the meeting, the two sides agreed on organizing joint activities and programs to provide more support for the Palestinian people, the report said.

Their meeting is resonant of Iran’s support for the Palestinian war against Israel’s existence.

Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei expressed solidarity with the Palestinians in late November by encouraging them to keep fighting Israel while Iran pledges to “defend [their] movement in any way” they can.

“The Intifada of Palestinian people in the West Bank has started and people are fighting [against Israel],” Khamenei said.

“About 60 years have passed since the occupation of Palestine and these people have changed for a number of generations, but the cause of Palestine still exists,” he added.

Khamenei’s expressed plans to destroy Israel include the aid of Palestinian terrorism.

Iran is a known supporter of the Hamas terror organization, which rules the Gaza Strip, and prefers dealing with them than with Palestinian Authority head Mahmoud Abbas, who is considered to moderate for them.

Israel has exposed numerous instances of Iranian attempts or successes in arming Hamas and financing their terrorist activities against Israel.

By: Max Gelber, United with Israel

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