A Hamas terrorist (Abed Rahim Khatib/Flash90) (Abed Rahim Khatib/Flash90)

The European Union, once again, offers perfunctory condemnation of Palestinian rocket fire on Israeli civilians.

By United with Israel Staff

Following Friday’s barrage of rockets launched by Gaza Strip terrorists at Israeli civilians, the European Union (EU) on Sunday condemned the violence with a statement that was nearly a cut-and-paste copy of its comments after a massive Palestinian rocket attack in May.

“The last few days have seen the firing of more than a dozen rockets from Gaza into Southern Israel by Palestinian armed groups,” said EU Spokesperson Maja Kocijancic in a statement following this past weekend’s rocket fire. “The firing of rockets against civilian populations is unacceptable and must stop immediately and unconditionally. The priority should be to work on immediate de-escalation to protect civilian lives.”

The statement concluded, “Israelis and Palestinians both have the right to live in peace, security and dignity. Only a political solution can put an end to the violence.”

In May, Palestinians bombarded Israeli towns with 220 rockets . EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini condemned those attacks by issuing a similar statement.

“The rocket fire from Gaza towards Israel must stop immediately. A de-escalation of this dangerous situation is urgently needed to ensure that civilians’ lives are protected. Israelis and Palestinians both have the right to live in peace, security and dignity. Only a political solution can put an end to the violence.”

Israel’s Iron Dome system intercepted eight rockets from Friday’s attacks. One rocket exploded in an open area and another made a direct hit on a home in Sderot. The family ran to their protected room upon hearing the red alert sirens, saving them from certain injury or death. However, their home, as well as nearby cars, sustained significant damage.

Israel’s Air Force retaliated by attacking some 14 targets throughout Gaza that consisted of facilities belonging to the Hamas terror group.

Israel’s southern region has suffered from repeated rocket attacks from the Gaza Strip for more than a decade. High-level security cabinet members met for over four hours on Sunday to consider options for stopping the violence led by Hamas terrorists.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu opened his weekly cabinet meeting in Jerusalem on Sunday by saying that he holds Hamas responsible for the Gaza Strip attacks. He did not discuss a plan of action.

Hamas, which openly seeks Israel’s destruction, has ruled the Gaza Strip since 2007.

Israel’s military has deployed air defense batteries, fearing continued rocket attacks.

Israeli authorities warned that a wider confrontation with Gaza, including the possibility of sending in ground troops, might be necessary to stop the violence against Israel’s southern residents.

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