Shane Shuma "jokes" about the Holocaust. (screenshot) screenshot
Shane Shuma

A student from Dickinson College is being investigated for a video in which he “jokes” about the benefits of the Nazis’ attempt to exterminate the Jewish people.

Among the “jokes” delivered by Dickinson College student Shane Shuma in a recent video were comments that “96 percent of Germans said [the Holocaust] made their lives much more positive,” while “4 percent said it only moderately improved their lives.”

The video contains other sick attempts to make light of the extermination of millions of Jews at the hands of the Nazis in World War II.

“The video was believed to be recorded in late January, although the university said it only learned of its existence in the last week,” JNS reported, adding that Dickinson confirmed the student does attend the institution.

Genocide is no laughing matter, Shuma!