With the Jewish New Year upon us, now is the opportune time to reflect upon the accomplishments of United with Israel and what we can look forward to for next year.

As the world’s largest grassroots, global, pro-Israel community, United with Israel’s focus has always been to connect people from around the world to the great miracles and blessings of the People, Country and Land of Israel.

With the help of our incredible community of supporters, we have been successful in combating anti-Israel media bias and promoting pro-Israel advocacy through dozens of ‘Act Now for Israel‘ initiatives with hundreds of thousands of participants. We’ve spread positive news about Israel to millions each and every day. On Facebook, we’ve grown to nearly 2 million strong. And we’re approaching 400 million ‘friends of fans’ who have been exposed to pro-Israel messages. All because of YOU – the great friends and supporters of Israel!

We’ve turned our ‘Likes’ into real action items, such as:
– Built 10 Portable Bomb Shelters for Israeli children (with 2 more on the way)
– Planted over 3000 Fruit Trees throughout the Land of Israel
– Provided thousands of IDF soldiers with fleece jackets and other essentials
– Sent hundreds of gifts, toys and personal notes to victims of terror and their families
– Signed up 150,000 people in support of keeping Jerusalem united as the eternal capital of Israel

Our plan for next year is to keep growing and growing ! We are committed to reaching millions more and ‘speak their language’. That means translating all of our websites, facebook pages and emails into a variety of foreign languages.

We will mobilize the masses in more in 150 countries to stand with Israel. Our ‘friends reach’ on Facebook will approach one billion. The sky is the limit and when it comes to helping Israel we will reach for the stars.

Please join us by become a Monthly Partner in our efforts. Together, we can spread the miracles of Israel to the corners of the earth and bring Israel to it’s rightful place in the world. We need your help to make it happen. Please join us in supporting Israel!

CLICK HERE TO DONATE (then check the ‘monthly’ box)

Due to the Syrian threat of attack, the people of Israel find themselves in increased danger. Although war is nothing new, Syria’s recent chemical attack – gassing its own citizens – has Israelis very concerned. As many scrambled to receive their gas masks, IDF reserves have been called up to report to their bases.

We informed you about the need for a kindergarten bomb shelters in the north, on Kibbutz Gesher HaZiv. Thanks to the power of the “grassroots” and the generosity of friends like you, two bomb shelters have been ordered within a few days and are on their way!

However, the need for portable shelters is ongoing. With your help, we can supply more needy children in exposed communities with the protection they need.


We are truly privileged to have friends like you all around the world. The People of Israel thank you for your generous support and pray for the day when ‘swords will turned into plowshares’ and peace will dominate the ends of the earth.

The United with Israel Family wishes all of you a wonderful New Year full of blessing, hope, happiness and peace. Amen.

Shana Tova and Blessings from Israel!

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