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Reykjavik, Iceland

The city council of Icelandic capital Reykjavik has passed a resolution banning all Israeli-made products in protest of Israeli policy regarding Palestinians. Join UWI’s campaign to apply pressure on Reykjavik officials to reverse this decision.

Update: United with Israel’s Call to Action is working! According to the Iceland Review, Mayor of Reykjavík Dagur B. Eggertsson announced that the Reykjavík City Council will cancel its previously-announced boycott of Israeli products, explaining that the city will now only boycott goods produced in “occupied territories.”


But this is wrong. Iceland must reject all boycotts against Israel. Keep protesting!

An anti-Semitic resolution calling for a boycott on Israeli products was proposed by outgoing Councilwoman Björk Vilhelmsdóttir, who said that she intends to spend the rest of the year doing humanitarian work for the Palestinians.

Vilhelmsdóttir said, “I believe that the city is sending a clear message that it will not purchase products from Israel while Israel oppresses another people on the basis of ethnicity and race, and continues having the wall inside Palestine.”

The city council has in the past adopted a resolution acknowledging the rights of the Palestinians to independence and a sovereign country of their own, and has criticized what it calls the Israeli government’s “racist apartheid policy.”

In general, Iceland is considered very critical of Israel. In 2011, interior minister Ögmundur Jónasson headed a protest against Israel. The protesters waved “blood-soaked” Israeli flags and Jónasson accused Israel of carrying out a holocaust on the Palestinian people.

(With files from Ynetnews.com)

Why Must We Take Action?

If Iceland gets away with this, other countries cities and companies, contemplating to also join the boycott campaign against Israel, will follow Reykjavik’s lead and do the same.

We must show that it is completely unacceptable to delegitimize the State of Israel.

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Pressure Iceland to Reverse this Resolution!

Click here to contact Björk Vilhelmsdóttir on Facebook and protest her anti-Semitic action.

Click here to write on the Facebook page of Reykjavik Mayor Dagur B. Eggertsson.

You can email the Mayor directly at: dagur.b.eggertsson@reykjavik.is

Please also email elly.katrin.gudmundsdottir@reykjavik.is and helga.bjorg.ragnarsdottir@reykjavik.is who serve as assistants to the Mayor.

Sample Text of Protest

Israel is a symbol of democracy, freedom and justice. It is the only democracy in the entire Middle East. Israelis experience terror attacks are on a daily basis. The world should be standing with Israel in its fight for freedom and against terror.

By calling to boycott Israel, Reykjavik is choosing to stand with ant-Semites and terrorists. Reykjavik officials are singling out the Jewish State while ignoring gross human rights violations in other countries, many of which you do business with.

We urge you to reverse the outrageous decision to boycott products from Israel.
Please fill in the form below and let us know what you’ve done about this:

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