"Auschwitz Ash" crayon (Offensive Crayons website) (Offensive Crayons website)
"Auschwitz Ash" crayon (Offensive Crayons website)


The Offensive Crayons company also sells a book called “Happy Little Dictators” that features Adolf Hitler on the cover.

By United with Israel Staff

A company called Offensive Crayons has reached a new low by selling a gray crayon named “Auschwitz Ash.” The crayon is included in a box of 24 other crayons with names that seek to offend.

The crayons, described as the “most ‘Murican,” may be used with an equally offensive coloring book by the company called “Happy Little Dictators,” which features Adolf Hitler on the cover. The crayons and coloring book are the brainchild of a woman named Alice Vaughn, who hosts a podcast on which she reviews pornography.

Cover of "Happy Little Dictators" book (Offensive Crayons website)

Cover of “Happy Little Dictators” book (Offensive Crayons website)

The company’s homepage says, “We all know you’d love more excuses to be a piece of s*** and we just love giving them to you.”

About the crayons, which sell for $8.50, the company writes, “Aren’t you tired of coloring with ‘blue’ or ‘burnt sienna?’ Us, too. What you need are Offensive Crayons. Gone are the safe colors like ‘goldenrod’ or ‘violet.’ Now we have ‘Suspicious Cold Sore Red’ and ‘Privilege’ (exclusively for our Caucasian buyers, of course). Say goodbye to your politically correct old color box and welcome this family of blunt, direct and irreverent shades.”

Though it does not list “Auschwitz Ash” in its description, one can see the color name in an image of the product.

Other crayon names include “Miscarriage Maroon,” “Travel Ban Brown,” “Alcoholic Piss,” and “Breast Cancer Awareness is a Scam Pink.”

The Auschwitz crayons and Hitler coloring book arrive on the market as anti-Semitic attacks are increasing worldwide and violent incidents targeting Jews are becoming a daily occurrence in the U.S.

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