May 31st, 2015

What is frightening is that history is repeating itself. Before long, the reality of the ISIS threat will hit us. Wake up before it is too late!


May 27th, 2015

It’s clear from recent anti-Israel resolutions that the UN doesn’t care what happens in the Middle East. In contrast, Israel continues to perform the good deeds that a caring world really should be cheering.


May 4th, 2015

The events of this week in Baltimore – albeit, a blimp in the chaos of the world-at-large – has prompted my writing this article. The mayor of that city tells her police force to "stand down."


May 3rd, 2015

Help was offered to Iran when they suffered from an earthquake a number of years ago. The help was refused. People died because of Iran’s refusal.


April 30th, 2015

In liberating the Jewish people from slavery, God had to teach us what freedom – true freedom – looks like. Without a paradigm or model to go on, God had to teach us from the ground up.


April 26th, 2015

The West must realize that naïvely open societies are the meals of plotting wolves, and totalitarian ideologies will exploit every freedom and benefit of doubt.


April 22nd, 2015

The age of 67 is when adults usually go into retirement. But as the State of Israel celebrates its own 67th birthday it shows no sign of stopping its work to benefit humanity, and is even increasing its tremendous pace of innovation. By: Michael Ordman There have been many recent Israeli medical advances to combat... Read more »


April 15th, 2015

After 2000 years of exile, citizens of the State of Israel can be proud of their phenomenal technological achievements in just 67 years. It’s as if the gift of time itself has been bestowed on the Jewish State for the benefit of humanity.


April 11th, 2015

Obama’s far-reaching efforts to facilitate Iran’s march to nukes amount to nothing less than apocalyptic betrayals of U.S. voters and allies.


April 8th, 2015

Current news is full of smart Israeli solutions that benefit the world. There are also many examples of smart countries, companies and individuals that have recognized this important role of the Jewish State.


April 1st, 2015

Over 3,500 years ago, Moses demanded of the Egyptian Pharaoh to “let my people go”. Today, Moses would be proud of the lengths to which the modern Jewish nation goes to benefit humanity.


March 29th, 2015

DJ POTUS (aka President Obama) seamlessly juxtaposes melodically progressive nuclear non-proliferation mantras like “Reset” with authoritarian breakout beats from renowned soprano MC Kim Jung-un, not to mention that world class Mix Master, Teheran’s own Ali ‘Special K’ Khameini. Yes, POTUS’s ‘Hello I Love You’ Nowruz serenade fell on deaf ears. But, it wasn’t buried by... Read more »


March 25th, 2015

Where is the data to support the Orwellian DoubleSpeak coming out of the White House and proliferated by the leftist media?


March 25th, 2015

President Rivlin’s call for unity should be taken seriously. Regardless of our differences, we must take all steps necessary to achieve this goal.


March 25th, 2015

Jewish tradition connects the five books of Moses (the Torah) with water. For a healthy life, our sages say that you cannot go three days without either. Recently there have been many news stories from Israel on the theme of water – all focusing on the Israeli priority of saving or benefiting human life. By:... Read more »


March 25th, 2015

We went into Hebron armed with a camera to capture the true reality of what is happening in the ancient city. What we found was the true story of Israel. Entering Hebron near the Jewish quarter is like entering a ghost town. Building after building has been left boarded up and deserted. Even with the... Read more »


March 25th, 2015

What G-d is really telling us, is that our job, our only job is to connect with G-d, and in so doing, we will be connected with our truest, deepest selves.


March 22nd, 2015

In a fortnight, many of us will be munching on matzos, eating the maror (bitterness), which is actually quite sweet, and drinking four glasses of wine on seder night, the first night of Passover. Four glasses are no match for Purim’s drink-‘til-you-can’t-tell-right-from-wrong imperative, but still ranks pretty high on the “sloshed” scale, so combined with... Read more »


March 19th, 2015

The first word of this week’s Torah portion, "Vayikra," literally means, "And He called ..." G-d is calling us – all the time. It’s up to us to tune in and listen.


March 18th, 2015

As Israel’s political parties fight another election and form alliances in its aftermath, here are some other perhaps more constructive battles that the Jewish State has been fighting recently.


March 16th, 2015

Please, for the sake of the future of Israel, the survival of the Jewish People and the future of mankind, do not elect Armageddon!


March 16th, 2015

Prime Minister Netanyahu appears to be the only leader able to stand up to Iran, which is developing nuclear weapons, and the Obama administration.


March 8th, 2015

It is time to factually clarify the legal status of Judea and Samaria under international law.  “When the occupant is not the one you want to believe in” In 1967 Israel liberated occupied Jewish Palestinian territories.   For the enemies of Israel and many of Its’ friends, and for a majority of Israelis, this is a basic axiom. During the Six Day War, it... Read more »


March 7th, 2015

The festival of Purim celebrates a series of remarkable events over 2500 years ago when the exiled Jewish people were delivered from annihilation. Today, the Jewish State delivers astonishing life-enhancing treatments, products, services and technologies to far-flung regions of the world. Israel has recently been reaching out far and wide to tackle some of the... Read more »
