May 22nd, 2016

Many will protest publicly about the proposed ban on immigration on Muslims, but when they are alone with that button in the booth, they are going to remember the past seven years.


May 4th, 2016

The prophetess Miriam (Moses’s sister) led the women in song and dance to celebrate the Hebrews’ escape from Pharaoh’s army. Today, Israel’s women are at the forefront of Israel’s phenomenal innovations and achievements, as evidenced in these examples from the past few weeks.


April 28th, 2016

Without displaying unity—while not suppressing our differences—Jews will be blamed for future conflicts as quickly and as automatically as we are blamed for them today.


April 20th, 2016

Bernie, I don’t feel the Bern for you, so please cut the Jew stuff and just focus on your hatred of billionaires, banks, and millionaires.


March 31st, 2016

Recently, the BBC erased the name of Israel, Jews and Israeli companies from a program discussing the use of genetics to improve the drought resistance of wheat. So I decided to unmask some of Israel's global activities that benefit the world.


March 21st, 2016

That Erdogan's Islamist AKP turned out to harbor a virulent anti-Semite and ‎anti-Israeli employee is not exactly surprising. It would be far more shocking if this were not the case.


March 11th, 2016

Israeli society goes on every day, almost as if nothing abnormal is happening. Because we have to, because we are tough, and “life must go on.” But there is a tremendous fallacy in this.


March 8th, 2016

Sherri Mandell would rather not be in the limelight, not on International Women’s Day and not on any other day. The wife, mother and accomplished writer is perhaps best known for her role as co-founder of the Koby Mandell Foundation (KMF), Israel’s preeminent organization serving bereaved families of victims of terror and other tragedies in... Read more »


March 1st, 2016

Life Under the Evil Empire I was born in Soviet Russia. My parents had applied for visas to leave the country before I arrived on the scene only to be refused like scores of fellow Russian Jews. They were known as “refusniks” because while Jews were at best third rate citizens in the USSR, the... Read more »


February 26th, 2016

While it may seem like a new phenomenon, the cultivation of anti-Semitism and hatred of Israel on North American campuses has been ongoing for decades.


February 26th, 2016

Sovereignty was given to the Arabs in over 96% of the previously Ottoman-occupied lands in the Middle East. Jews were given tiny Palestine in recognition of their historical ties.


February 21st, 2016

The heart of the heartland is showing their love for Hany Baransi by telling the world that at his restaurant - and in this town - the terror and horror only made us stronger.


February 15th, 2016

The more global opinion ignores or rewards irresponsible behavior by Palestinians, the more likely renewed violence (rather than peace) becomes.


February 14th, 2016

At Reconectar, we are already helping thousands of individuals facilitate the reconnection they seek, even if it is just to learn more about their ancestry. If Jennifer Lopez has an interest in finding out more about any possible Jewish ancestry, we can help her too.
