Isaac Herzog » Isaac Herzog
(Miriam Alster/Flash90)
Datos de Imagen
Fecha de la toma: 12-Oct-2015 18:27:51Copyright: copyright (c) Flash90 2015
Crédito: Flash90
Título: .
Subtítulo: Leader of the opposition and Zionist Camp party Isaac Herzog seen during a party meeting at the Knesset, Israel's parliament in Jerusalem on October 12, 2015. Photo by Miriam Alster/Flash90 *** Local Caption *** ????? ?????? ???? ?''? ???? ????? ????? ??????
Cámera: Canon EOS-1D Mark IV
Distáncia Focal: 200mm
Abertura: f/4
ISO: 1250
Velocidad de Obturador: 1/250 second