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A Jewish resident of Judea and Samaria teaches his wife how to fire a weapon . (Photo: Nati Shohat/FLASH90)
Datos de Imagen
Fecha de la toma: 21-Sep-2011 17:27:34Copyright: copyright (c) Flash90 2011
Crédito: flash90
Título: .
Subtítulo: The husband of a female Jewish settler teaches his wife how to fire a weapon at the Jewish settlement of Pnei Kedem, near the West Bank town of Bethlehem. The women of Pnei Kedem decided to learn how to shoot guns for defensive purposes as a response to the Palestinans' bid for statehood recognition at the United Nations and the recent tensions which have been growing between Palestinians and Jewish settlers. September 21, 2011. Photo by Nati Shohat/FLASH90 *** Local Caption *** îúðçìéí ôðé ÷ãí îúðçìåú ðù÷ àéîåï äúðçìåéåú à÷ãç øåáä
Cámera: Canon EOS-1D Mark IV
Distáncia Focal: 24mm
Abertura: f/4
ISO: 320
Velocidad de Obturador: 1/125 second