Los atletas judíos competirán en el estadio de Hitler » Poland Germany Jewish Sports
Jewish bikers travel with the Maccabi Games torch. (AP Photo/Alik Keplicz)
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Fecha de la toma: 20-Jul-2015 12:35:25Crédito: AP
Título: Poland Germany Jewish Sports
Subtítulo: Bikers from Israel park their bikes in front of the POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews, as they arrive in Warsaw, Poland, Monday, July 20, 2015. Eleven Jewish bikers, carrying a torch for the opening of the European Maccabi Games starting in Berlin on July 27 are on a historic motorbike ride from Israel to Germany recreating a 1931 ride when bikers were promoting the first Maccabi Games. (AP Photo/Alik Keplicz)
Cámera: NIKON D700
Distáncia Focal: 20mm
Abertura: f/7.1
ISO: 500
Velocidad de Obturador: 1/320 second