
“Israel Apartheid” lies disseminated by Arab-Israeli parliamentarian Ahmed Tibi – well-known for his aggressive anti-Israel incitement – were recently exposed by Israeli think tank Regavim.

The incident occurred last week, when Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper delivered an historic address to the Knesset – Israel’s parliament – in which he stated:

“Some civil-society leaders today call for a boycott of Israel…. Most disgracefully of all, some openly call Israel an apartheid state. Think about that. Think about the twisted logic and outright malice behind that.”

To which Tibi and MK Taleb Abu Arar – a Bedouin-Israeli Arab who lives in the Negev and, like Tibi, is a member of the Knesset’s United Arab List-Ta’al party – heckled the Canadian leader.

“Here in our Parliament everyone can express his opinion, can stand up and speak, shout and mock – but it is impossible to do so in Damascus,” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stated.

When Netanyahu thanked Harper for his steadfast support for the Jewish state, reminding the assembled that all Israeli parliamentarians were fortunate to be living in a democracy where they could voice their opinions freely, Tibi interjected and stated, pointing to Abu Arar:

“In his village [in the Negev] there is no water or electricity…in Damascus maybe.”

Not only did Tibi, who consistently accuses Israel of practicing “apartheid’ against Arab citizens, prove Netanyahu right – to the amusement of the Canadian onlookers, who applauded when he and his colleague walked out during Harper’s speech – but he also revealed his deceitful agenda and the fact that his claims are clearly Israel Apartheid lies.

Regavim – which focuses on enforcing Israeli law across the country, exposing illegal building and criminal activities which jeopardize the future stability of the State of Israel – has done extensive research in the Negev. Immediately following Tibi’s outrageous allegation, the organization checked on Abu Arar’s residence and submitted its findings to Israeli television’s popular Channel 2, which reported on it.

Netanyahu posted a photo of Abu Arar’s three-storey home on his Facebook page. The photo, which he had received from Regavim, clearly exposes another “Israel Apartheid” lie.

“Yet again Regavim has uncovered another fabrication and blatant lie about the reality of Bedouin-Israelis in the Negev,” stated Regavim International Relations Director Ari Briggs. “It should be clear as day for all to see that people like Ahmed Tibi have no shame when it comes to lying for the sake of making headlines.”

As pointed out in Front Page Magazine:

“Not only does MK Taleb Abu Arar’s village (and personal home) have water, sewage, electricity, gas delivery, garbage removal, telephone/high speed internet infrastructure and free State-sponsored education, but MK Taleb Abu Arar’s ‘impoverished and apartheid home’ also has Satellite TV.”

“Taleb Abu Arar not only has a satellite dish,” Front Page Magazine added. “The Moslem Brotherhood member also has two wives.”


Nonetheless, as noted in the Jerusalem Post, Tibi has become somewhat of a celebrity among anti-Israel circles in Canada.

Despite the fact that Harper received several standing ovations during his Knesset speech and was cheered by the remaining legislators, “since the incident, Tibi has given 15 interviews to Canadian media outlets and has been invited to speak at universities in multiple provinces,” the Post reports.

Author: Atara Beck, UWI Staff Writer
Date: Jan. 29, 2014

See link to Regavim video exposing Israel Apartheid lies: