An Israeli aid organization has sent relief to Yazidis and Christians fleeing Islamic State oppression and has further plans to help them survive the winter. 

IsraAid, an Israeli NGO committed to providing life-saving disaster relief and long-term support to persons in need around the globe, has sent relief to Yazidis and Christians fleeing the Islamic State (IS or ISIS) terror organization in the Kurdish regions of Iraq.

IsraAid had successfully distributed beds, blankets, basic supplies and food to over 1,000 families who have fled danger to seek refuge in the Kurdish Region of Iraq (KRI).

The KRI is now home to more than 1.4-million displaced Iraqi people and 200,000 Syrian refugees escaping ISIS. Most arrive with absolutely nothing but the clothes on their backs; IsraAid points out that with winter approaching, the situation is increasingly desperate. To respond to these pressing needs, IsraAid and its partners are distributing emergency supplies to thousands of Christian and Yazidi refugees.

IsraAid Founding Director Shahar Zahavi told Israel National News that the Israeli team had been warmly received by the Kurdish residents of the camp. “The Kurdish people really love Israel,” he said.

The mission, the first of its kind by an Israeli aid agency, went smoothly and was coordinated together with the Kurdish Regional Government (KRG).

Israeli-American Operation

The operation is being carried out with the support of the American Jewish Committee (AJC). “As American Jews, we are proud to assist, together with our Israeli partner, IsraAid, in offering relief to the thousands of Christian and Yazidis refugees fleeing the brutality of ISIS and seeking shelter among Iraqi Kurds,” said AJC Executive Director David Harris.

Author: Aryeh Savir
Staff Writer, United with Israel