Israeli security personnel at the scene of the attack. (Yonatan Sindel/Flash90) (Yonatan Sindel/Flash90)
Jaffa Gate terror attack


As Palestinian terrorists work to murder as many Israelis as possible, foreign media outlets work harder to demonstrate their anti-Israel bias and lack of professionalism by describing the terrorists as victims.

Two Palestinian terrorists murdered two Israelis and critically wounded a third in Jerusalem’s Old City on Wednesday. The terrorists were shot and killed by Israeli police, as was one of the Israeli victims – mistakenly hit by a bullet as police tried to neutralize the terrorists. The other Israeli died of multiple stab wounds.

The roles of perpetrator and victim were clearly defined in this murderous attack. However, an Associated Press (AP) headline about the Palestinian terror attack failed to mention the Israeli victims, neglected to specify that Palestinians were the attackers, and instead conveyed to readers that it was Palestinians who were killed in a stabbing attack.

“2 Palestinians killed following stabbing attack in Jerusalem,” the headline stated. The New York Times website also published the AP story, and ran the same skewed and misleading headline.

The Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America (CAMERA) media watchdog contacted both outlets and called for the headlines to be immediately revised so that they accurately depict the terror attack and the tragic deaths.

Shortly after CAMERA contacted AP and The New York Times, the AP revised its headline, initially reading, “2 Palestinian attackers killed, 2 Israelis die in Jerusalem.”

After another day of correspondence, AP settled on a more precise, informative and fair headline: “Palestinian stabbers kill Israeli, assailants shot dead.” Its lead, which had initially focused on only the Palestinian deaths, was modified to share all the relevant information about the terror attack.

History of Anti-Israel Bias

The prominent New York Times newspaper has been roundly and repeatedly criticized for its anti-Israel bias, and even one of its editors admits – it’s a real bias.

Asked in a recent interview about what the most common complaint is about the paper’s opinion coverage, Andrew Rosenthal, the editor of the NYT opinion pages, answered that the most common complaint is “that we’re anti-Israel.”

A 2014 study published by CAMERA shows the Times is nearly seven times more likely to publish pieces critical of Israel than of the Palestinians. The analysis also revealed that the newspaper is twice as likely to publish opinion pieces predominately supporting the Palestinian cause — in relation to which side deserves more sympathy or criticism — than articles supporting the Israeli narrative. One Times opinion editor, Matt Seaton, even admitted last year that the newspaper has a policy of veering away from criticism of Palestinians.

By: United with Israel Staff

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