Arab lawmakers joined in the anti-Israel incitement over the decision to install metal detectors at the Temple Mount in the wake of a deadly terror attack.
Palestinians on Sunday commemorated the 47th anniversary of an arson attempt of the Al-Aqsa Mosque by a crazed Christian tourist, and Palestinian officials exploited the event to voice again the assertion that the mosque is still under threat by Israel.
The Al Quds Brigades has sent a message to Prime Minister Netanyahu warning that all options are on the table, including suicide attacks and an increase in terror.
Palestinian leaders praised violence against Jews visiting the Temple Mount on the Jewish New Year. PA Chair Mahmoud Abbas even said Jews have no right to desecrate the site "with their filthy feet."
Dozens of Palestinian religious leaders, including Muslims and Christians, signed a documenting denying the holiness of the Temple Mount to the Jewish People.
Ignoring thousands of years of history and many artifacts attesting to the existence of the Jewish Temples, the Palestinian Authority claims a Jewish Jerusalem never existed.
Palestinians used their own mosques as a fort as they rioted in an attempt to prevent Jews from entering the site they consider the holiest in the world.
In a goodwill gesture, Israel has eased travel restrictions for Palestinians during the month-long Ramadan holiday. In a power-play, PA head Abbas has refused Israel's overture.
Muslims should "raid America on its own land and the land of heresy everywhere," an influential Islamic leader told his audience at Jerusalem's Al-Aqsa Mosque.
Jordan is supposedly a partner in peace, but its acts in Parliament suggest otherwise. They praised the Jerusalem massacre terrorists and prayed for their souls.
Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas continues to instigate violence as he denies Israel's right to Jerusalem, the historic capital of the Jewish people.
The newest method of violence against Israelis is through hit-and-run attacks, which terrorists now promote through the arts and on Facebook as a car intifada.
The number of terror attacks in Judea and Samaria has been rising in recent weeks, with many perpetrators linked to the Palestinian Authority's military wing.
In a song on Al-Aqsa TV, Hamas promises to launch more rockets at Israel and encourages Palestinians to seek Martyrdom death for Allah through suicide bombings in cafés and buses.
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