'I’m unreservedly optimistic. The price that I paid is something my family and I live with day in and day out,' says bereaved husband of terror victim.
The real abuse that American politicians should investigate is the Palestinian Authority's constant incitement of minors to murder Jews, not Israel's attempts to prevent such exploitation.
Natan Meir, widower of terror victim Dafna Meir who was killed in January by a terrorist in her home, accused the United Nations of ignoring his plight and that of his children in a letter written to UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon.
“Shame on you! Instead of condemning terror, you’re encouraging it,” Israeli Ambassador to the UN Danny Danon told Palestinian representative Riyad Mansour.
The widower and daughter of terror victim Dafna Meir addressed the UN, expressing their desire for peace with their Arab neighbors despite their profound loss.
It hasn't been long since Dafna Meir, Shlomit Krigman and Hadar Cohen were murdered by Palestinian terrorists. The world doesn't care to tell their story, so we will.
Dafna Meir was murdered by a 16-year-old Palestinian terrorist on January 17th after he became influenced by Palestinian propaganda he saw on television.
An indictment was filed against the teenage terrorist who, incited by Palestinian TV, murdered a mother of six before going home to watch a movie with family.
An event in memory of Dafna Meir, murdered by a Palestinian terrorist in Judea, united Israelis from diverse political streams, including the head of Peace Now.
Eight Palestinian terror suspects were arrested in an overnight raid in Samaria, and the IDF announced the demolition of the homes of seven Palestinian terrorists.
US Ambassador to Israel Dan Shapiro expressed regret for the timing, not the content, of his problematic remarks accusing Israel of enforcing two sets of laws for Jews and Palestinians in Judea and Samaria.
The rampant incitement to terror in Palestinian media is responsible for the murder of Dafna Meir, a mother of six, and other acts of terror, the Israeli Security Agency confirmed.
Only in a radical Muslim society, such as that of the Palestinians, can you find public expressions of glee over the brutal murder of a mother of six in front of her daughter.
A mother of six was the victim of a brutal terror attack Sunday - the 28th fatality since the upsurge of Palestinian violence that began mid-September.
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