'Unfortunately, when anti-Israeli statements come from leaders of European Union countries, it only keeps cooperation and ties further away,' Edelstein told Giaufret.
Edelstein said Trump’s announcement that the US recognizes Jerusalem as the capital of Israel was a 'just step, one consistent with the historical record,' and called on Israel to follow suit.
“The people of Israel appreciate United with Israel’s advocacy, educational efforts and unflinching defense of the truth,” Netanyahu stated to UWI founder Michael Gerbitz upon receiving the "Jerusalem Declaration."
A historic initiative supporting a united Jerusalem as the eternal, undivided capital of the Jewish People has garnered 600,000 signatures and continues to grow.
Knesset Speaker Yuli Edelstein, who was imprisoned in the FSU for Zionist activity, became the first Israeli politician to address the Russian parliament.
Israel and China signed a Memorandum of Understanding, agreeing to further cooperation between their respective legislative bodies and expanding the ever-growing relationship between the two countries.
The online game, called “The Race to Law,” went live on Sunday, as part of a plan to teach children the principles of democracy and how the Knesset works.
In a visit to Israel along with a number of other Congressmen, Speaker of the US House of Representatives Paul Ryan stressed that the US relationship with Israel is more important than ever during a meeting Monday at the Knesset with Speaker Yuli Edelstein.
Knesset Speaker Yuli Edelstein was not intimidated by anti-Israel activists in London telling him to go home. Instead, he addressed British parliamentarians on the topic of Palestinian incitement.
While Martin Schulz has made controversial statements in the past regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, last week he made clear his opposition to the European Union's effort to label Israeli products made in Judea and Samaria.
Israel is demanding that the UN condemn Iran for its anti-Semitism and Holocaust denial. The contest typifies Iran’s efforts to ridicule or use the Holocaust for anti-Israel propaganda.
Although 40 years have passed since the notorious UN resolution, Israel still faces the same bias and the "trend of UN hostility towards Israel continues to this day,” as Netanyahu said.
The International Council of Jewish Parliamentarians convened in Jerusalem on Sunday, under the auspices of the World Jewish Congress, for three days of intensive discussions and meetings with high-level Israeli officials.
Yuli Edelstein implored foreign envoys serving in Israel to tell their countries about the what really happens here: democracy, innovation and the yearning for peace.
In an historic address to the Bundestag, Knesset Speaker Edelstein derided the Europeans for their duplicity and warned of the danger that looms when nations comply with the forces of evil.
The president of the German Bundestag, Norbert Lammert, called the European Union labeling law on products made beyond the 1949 armistice lines “unwise," saying that his country rejects the decision and understands Israel’s anger over it.
In a speech at the United Nations, Israel's Parliamentary Speaker Yuli Edelstein took the topic of environmental preservation and turned it into a regional call for peace and cooperation.