And yet, there are those who choose to focus narrowly on specific personal difficulties in order to encourage conflict, turn back Jewish history, and, ultimately, bring about incalculable suffering.
The seal, further evidence of Jewish Temple life in Jerusalem, was found during a soil sifting project, operated by the City of David in the Zurim Valley National Park.
The EU did not detail what 'Palestinian culture, heritage and identity' it was relating to when inaugurating the Tourism Development Hub in eastern Jerusalem.
Sharansky donates $1 million Genesis Prize money to aid corona victims, the Passover Letter of Elephantine is 400 years older than the Dead Sea Scrolls, and more.
The Muslim world claims Jerusalem as a pinnacle of its religious aspirations – and its political interests this time are simply to rid the Middle East of Israel.
After the elections, the cabinet slots in the Knesset have changed, and it might give organizations like Return to the Mount a fair chance to play their game.
At the entrance to the historic Old City of Jerusalem, the walls of the ancient "David's Citadel" served as a stage for a nighttime show featuring a celebration of sound and light!
Ignoring thousands of years of history and many artifacts attesting to the existence of the Jewish Temples, the Palestinian Authority claims a Jewish Jerusalem never existed.
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