A female IDF soldier tearfully recited the 'Shema' prayer as she completed her conversion to Judaism, embracing her newfound faith while standing proudly in uniform eager to protect her new nation.
A visual skit by Eitan Chitayat highlights the vast diversity of the Jewish people, showing that no matter how the world tries to reshape the Jewish nation, we will always stand out and thrive.
A street interview with Rabbi Shoff, an Orthodox Jewish rabbi, dives into some of the toughest and most controversial questions about Jewish identity, history, and culture.
Fleeing the rise of fascism in 1959, thousands of Cuban Jews resettled in Florida, carrying with them their rich traditions and a fierce determination to rebuild their lives.
Carried by their faith and belief in a righteous God, Jews have built extraordinary synagogues worldwide as a testament to their devotion to their religion.
Jews from Arabic speaking countries have a unique way of celebrating the Jewish holiday of Sukkot. Take an insider's look at the holiday celebrations of Israel's Sephardic Jewish communities.
On their wedding day, Jewish grooms take a moment amid the joy and celebration to break a glass in commemoration of the two Jewish Temples that were destroyed.
At an event outside the Russian Orthodox Church in Jerusalem, Jewish, Christian, Muslim and other religious leaders spoke out against the war in Ukraine.
The Kansas City Chiefs' Jewish lineman Mitchell Schwartz is a proud member of his community, to which he brought joy on Sunday by winning the Super Bowl.
I am a Jew. I am not a feminist. I believe in the equality of women and will fight for my right (and theirs) to be paid equally and treated equally by law.
The menorah, a large seven-branched candelabrum made of solid gold, stood in the Jewish Holy Temples. This is the story of how it came to represent the modern State of Israel.
Yom Kippur is known as the Day of Atonement, the day when we are forgiven for our sins. It's not a simple, magical ritual that automatically wipes the slate clean.
According to a new report published by the Pew Research Center, Islam is expected to grow faster than any other major religion worldwide in the next four decades.
There are so many lessons that we can learn from our forefather Jacob, including the value of time and proper work ethics, the value of effort and the reward of accomplishment. In Judaism there is no such thing as “killing time.” Remember that time is precious. Don’t ever waste a day or even a moment. Make all of your time in the world really count!