Terror attack

Medical teams treat the victims at the scene of the attack. (Tazpit News Agency)

Three Israeli soldiers were wounded by a Palestinian terrorist in a vehicular attack. 

Three young Israelis were wounded Thursday afternoon when a Palestinian terrorist ran his car into them while they were on patrol in Samaria.

One Israeli was critically wounded and one was seriously wounded as they sustained head and multiple body injuries in the vehicular attack. Another one was lightly wounded. The seriously wounded victims were evacuated by helicopter to the Hadassah Ein Kerem hospital in Jerusalem while unconscious and on respiration.

The terrorist was shot, reportedly by IDF soldiers, as he tried to escape the scene. His car turned over and he was critically wounded. He was initially treated at the scene by Israeli medics and then evacuated to Shaare Zedek Hospital in Jerusalem.

The route was shut down after the terrorist was removed from the car because it was feared that the car was rigged with explosives.

The attack occurred in Samaria, on Route 60 at the entrance to the Israeli community of Ma’aleh Levonah.

Four months ago, a Palestinian-Arab terrorist stabbed two IDF soldiers at the same site, critically wounding one and lightly injuring the other. The terrorist was shot and killed.

Responding to the terror attack, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu commended the soldiers for their professional response. “I would like to praise the action of the IDF soldiers who reacted quickly and neutralized the terrorist, and to wish a full recovery to the injured.”

Netanyahu pointed out again the world’s hypocrisy when it comes to condemning Palestinian terror against Israelis.  “I find it strange that those who hastened to condemn terrorism against Palestinians are silent when terrorism is directed against Jews,” he said.

By: Max Gelber, United with Israel

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