“Sweet Home Jerusalem” celebrates the Jewish nation’s return home to their ancient capital as well as the freedom afforded to people of all faiths to visit their holy sites.

Based on Sweet Home Alabama, a popular song by American rock band Lynyrd Skynyrd, Sweet Home Jerusalem is played by the Menachem Herman Orchestra, demonstrating his great musical talent combined with a profound passion for the city of Jerusalem.

Herman, a Canadian-Israeli, is the group’s lead guitarist and vocalist, and his goal is to help people accept each other’s differences.

His outward appearance as an ultra-orthodox Jew combined with his brilliant rock performance is truly amazing.

This is the perfect song to listen to on Yom Yerushalayim – Jerusalem Day – celebrating the reunification of the the eternal capital of the Jewish people during the 1967 Six Day War!

Sign the Declaration to Keep Jerusalem United

Jerusalem Must Remain the United Capital of Israel

I declare that Jerusalem is the eternal capital of the Jewish People and support all efforts to maintain and strengthen a united Jerusalem as the undivided capital of the State of Israel.

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Send Passover Packages to Needy Israeli Soldiers - Bring Them Joy!

We are honored to thank the young men and women of the IDF who risk their lives every day to protect the citizens of Israel. Since October 7th, soldiers have been on the battlefield for months - many are hoping to come home for Passover.

Join us in sending Passover food packages (and personal notes) to Israeli soldiers and their families.

Many soldiers spend the Passover holiday with needy families back home. The soldiers greatly appreciate your love and concern. Bring them Passover joy!