March 2nd, 2015

Tuesday is around the corner. Just any other day? Or does it have a significance of epic proportions? Mere happenstance or Divine providence?


March 1st, 2015

With so many stories of children around the world being radicalized by Islamic extremists, here is a collection of contrasting education-related activities concerning the Jewish State.


February 26th, 2015

We all know the expression, “Clothes make the man.”  Is this about creating an external reality via the perceptions of others? Or do the outer garments we wear affect us on an internal level, which then creates a external reality?


February 25th, 2015

Radical Islam not ALLAH is the root of evil   This revised article is adapted from an Article by Dr. Azriel Carlebach which was published in the Israeli newspaper “Ma’ariv” on 7 October 1955.   Translated from Hebrew with Google translator, edited, modified substantially and completely re-written in English ————- “The source of the conflict... Read more »


February 25th, 2015

By now, we have all heard that Benjamin Netanyahu is speaking before the United States Congress at the behest of Speaker of the House John Boehner, and a lot of people are up in arms. The simple fact is, John Boehner can invite anyone he wants to speak to Congress without the President’s approval, which... Read more »


February 25th, 2015

Long-awaited winter rains, plus my recent trip to the Arava in southern Israel are the inspiration for this week’s blog. The Arava region in Israel’s Negev “desert” now produces 60% of Israel’s exports of food crops, right alongside massive fields of solar panels. It is a microcosm of Israel’s advanced agricultural technologies that combine with... Read more »


February 20th, 2015

There is a deliciously cinematic quality to the entire speechgate drama. Prominent pro-Israeli lobby groups have attempted to frame the scene as something out of Steven Spielberg’s “Lincoln” movie: a noble, far sighted, embattled president vs. a rude, uncouth, divisive Israeli leader who is little more than a mouthpiece for a cabal of grim, narrow-minded,... Read more »


February 12th, 2015

A far-sighted Arab-Jewish agreement was arrived at 95 years ago but was never fully implemented. This still-legal agreement provides the basis for a solution today and should become widely publicized and supported. In 1919, following the end of World War I, an international Paris Peace Conference was convened by the victorious Allies to settle international... Read more »


February 12th, 2015

Israel's prolific recent achievements and its current generation of young startup companies, fulfills the Jewish nation's mission to be a light unto the nations.


February 9th, 2015

Now Obama is trying everything in his power to unseat Bibi, including what he accuses Bibi of doing: meddling in another democracy’s domestic politics.


February 3rd, 2015

The challenge to those who wish to maintain a narrow perspective on Israel is that the people who attacked Charlie Hebdo were also in conflict with Israel.


January 30th, 2015

A man gets into his car, and decides – in the name of “optimism” – that he won’t buckle up. Is he an optimist or is he an idiot? After delivering a lecture on optimism to a large tech company, Shawn Achor, one of the gurus of Positive Psychology, was being driven to the airport... Read more »


January 20th, 2015

Israel does not have to defend its’ legitimacy!  Israel’s rights to the land is ingrained in history, archeological findings, international law and possession. Just like the Arab States have not been required to defend their legitimacy, Israel should also not be required to defend its’ legitimacy.   The 21 Arab States and the State of Israel... Read more »


January 15th, 2015

Jews have the absolute right for their homeland. Zionism the movement itself was created during the second half the 1800′s. Jews purchased a substantial amount of territories in Palestine-Israel (see testimony of the Mufti of Jerusalem in front of the British Peel Commission) from local sheikhs and lords and built settlements there. This dates as... Read more »


January 12th, 2015

The Islamist massacre at Charlie Hebdo has understandably captured global attention because it was a barbaric attack on France and freedom of expression. In a moment of defiant moral clarity, “Je suis Charlie” emerged as a popular phrase of solidarity with the victims. Hopefully such clarity persists and extends to those facing similar challenges every day in the Middle... Read more »


December 31st, 2014

It is not enough to rebuke enemies - Israel must have a clear plan of action in order to reunite all Jewish land and stop anti-Jewish international hypocrisy!


December 15th, 2014

Even in the midst of cleaning filth and garbage, this sweet holy man finds reason to smile every morning and to thank his Creator for all that He gives him.


December 14th, 2014

“Political language…is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind.” (British novelist George Orwell) “The relativism which is not willing to speak about truth but only about ‘what is true for me’ is an evasion of the serious business of living. It is the... Read more »


December 9th, 2014

While Carter permitted Iran to hold 52 American diplomats and citizens hostage for 444 days, Obama may allow Iran to hold the world hostage with nuclear terrorism.


November 19th, 2014

The media bias against Israel has only gotten stronger and more dangerous in recent times. The increase in global anti-Semitism is clearly due to this bias.


November 19th, 2014

Dear President Obama, You’ve been a great friend for the last six years and, to express our appreciation, we’d like to acknowledge some of your many helpful actions: 1) In 2009, our presidential election results were so dubious that millions of brave, pro-democracy protesters risked their lives to demonstrate throughout our country. When our Basij... Read more »


November 18th, 2014

  Two Muslim terrorists opened fire on a group of Jews praying in the Bnei Torah Synagogue in Har Nof, a neighborhood of Jerusalem, Wednesday morning, killing four and injuring six. The assailants also wounded two Israeli policemen in a gunfight with security forces before being shot dead. The massacre is a further escalation in... Read more »


November 18th, 2014

A recently published poll finds the widely criticized group draws high levels of support from Palestinians in Gaza. With the two groups sharing support bases, why does one enjoy popular international support and the other the opposite?
