October 1st, 2016

We are a great people because we questioned, we argued, and we stuck to our principles. Why is it that in 2016 we have suddenly shut down dissent?


September 18th, 2016

I just found out that I am deplorable, or at least I hang out with deplorables.


September 6th, 2016

Recently, Donald Trump visited a church in Detroit where something unusual took place. Yes, one might say that something unusual takes place in many of Trump’s appearances. But it wasn’t something he did but, rather, something he received that created the buzz. Trump was given a traditional Jewish prayer shawl, a tallit. Hosting Trump, Bishop... Read more »


August 15th, 2016

I hosted a Christian journalist recently. She wanted to visit a “settlement” to see for herself what life is like, to understand better the Jewish connection to Biblical Judea and Samaria, and actual life on the ground. What she learned, witnessed, and took away is very different from that which is portrayed in the world... Read more »


August 15th, 2016

A growing demographic of Zionist Muslims may eventually serve as the bridge to peace between Israel and the wider Islamic world. But as long as Islamist movements persist, such courageous individuals will likely face serious threats.


August 8th, 2016

In their never-ending quest to identify and find niche groups to exploit, the Democrats have now invented another 'protected' class: Gold Star Parents.


August 5th, 2016

Pithy and false one-liners, spiteful singular comments, lack of concern for thought and/or the facts – this is all part of the present, possible maliciousness of an internet sound bite.


August 5th, 2016

Many readers say that they are amused by some of the articles in my positive weekly Israel newsletter featuring Israeli innovations, discoveries and humanitarian activities. Here are a few recent examples.


August 2nd, 2016

Israel's Wildlife Hospital has opened a blood bank for birds that arrive injured to the country during migration; For the first time, Israel has formally opened its border for delivering humanitarian aid into Syria, and much more.


July 6th, 2016

Israelis have the 8th longest life-expectancy in world according to the latest WHO figures. Israeli medical treatments and devices are extending lives all over the world. Here are some of the recent Israeli news items relating just to the areas of cancer, cardiology, neuroscience and diabetes.


July 3rd, 2016

With the rise of Islamic terrorists threatening Jews and Christians, and western civilization and the rest of the world, there are many inspiring lessons that can and should be learned from Israel's rescue operation in Entebbe to help in our fight against a new generation of the same terrorists.


June 22nd, 2016

The UK has recently been totally absorbed with the June 23 referendum on whether it should Remain or Exit the European Union. Some say the UK’s economy would collapse if it terminated its EU membership. UK citizens should not panic, however, but instead take a closer look at the 'Israeli model.'
