By using modified mRNA technology similar to the approach used in developing COVID-19 vaccines, the researchers successfully 'awakened' these dormant stem cells, enabling them to divide in a controlled manner.
Chaim ibn Attar, a Sephardic rabbi, achieved unprecedented recognition among Chassidic communities throughout Europe, with his writings becoming cornerstone texts in Chassidic thought.
'Compiled over five decades, this remarkable archive represents every Jewish baseball player of the 191 total as of the 2024 MLB season,' the listing says.
Ahead of Jerusalem Day, the anniversary of the liberation of the Holy City in the 1967 Six Day War, here's a list that includes some of the lesser-known names used to refer to Israel's eternal capital.
This exciting and uplifting film highlights the miraculous events of the 1967 Six Day War, emphasizing the Divine hand orchestrating these remarkable events.
As Jerusalem marks the 56th anniversary of the city's unification in the Six-Day War, the municipality continues to grow and prosper with a record number of residents - Jews and Arabs - who enjoy the freedom of access to their holy sites.
'The people of Israel are experiencing national Jewish pride greater than ever before,' said military commentator Chaim Herzog at the end of the 1967 Six-Day War.
'Jerusalem' and 'Zion' represent the Jewish people and the non-Jewish nations of the world coming together to serve God and support the Jewish People in the Land that He gave them!
'Jerusalem above and Jerusalem below, we are bound to this city. It is part of our soul, part of our experience, on both our material and spiritual sides.'
As Israel celebrates the reunification of Jerusalem during its annual Yom Yerushalaim celebrations, people throughout the world are yearning to return to the Holy City.
This week Israelis celebrate Yom Yerushalayim (Jerusalem Day), the anniversary of the reunification of the eternal Jewish capital during the 1967 Six Day War.
"Sweet Home Jerusalem" celebrates the Jewish return home to their ancient capital as well as the freedom afforded to people of all faiths to visit their holy sites.
Jerusalem will never again be divided. There is no 'West Jerusalem' or 'East" Jerusalem. 'There is ONE Jerusalem – with religious access and freedom for all!
On Jerusalem Day, we celebrate 52 years of the reunification of the city. That means over half a century since the city was opened up to people of all faiths to visit and pray freely at Jerusalem’s holy sites.
"It's one thing to have an online petition and quite another to publicly display the actual names of the signatories on the walls of Jerusalem's Old City," said United with Israel founder Michael Gerbitz.