PA President Mahmoud Abbas (AP/Mary Altaffer) (AP/Mary Altaffer)

Abbas está siendo duramente condenado por un discurso lleno de odio que promueve el antisemitismo y justifica el asesinato de judíos. ¿Alguien todavía cree que Israel puede negociar la paz con un antisemita como este señor?

Desde el siglo XI hasta el Holocausto, los judíos fueron perseguidos y masacrados no porque fueran judíos, sino por su comportamiento en la sociedad, declaró el jefe de la autoridad palestina Mahmoud Abbas.

La conferencia antisemita de Abbas fue condenada por los Estados Unidos, la Unión Europea, las Naciones Unidas, Alemania y otros.

El embajador de Israel ante la ONU, Danny Danon, pidió al Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU que condene las odiosas declaraciones de Abbas.

«Aparentemente, un negador del Holocausto sigue siendo un negacionista del Holocausto», afirmó el primer ministro Benjamin Netanyahu. «Hago un llamamiento a la comunidad internacional para que condene el grave antisemitismo de Abu Mazen [el apodo de Abbas]». El Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores dijo que Abbas estaba promoviendo el odio hacia Israel y el pueblo judío.

Teniendo en cuenta la continua incitación de la Autoridad Palestina al terror contra civiles israelíes, esta declaración no debería sorprender a nadie.

A President Mahmoud Abbas: Holocaust, Massacres of European Jews Due to Their Function in Society as Usurers, Hitler Struck a Deal with the Jews

PA President Mahmoud Abbas: Holocaust, Massacres of European Jews Due to Their Function in Society as Usurers; Hitler Struck a Deal with the JewsPA President Mahmoud Abbas said that the massacres to which European Jews were subjected, from the 11th century until the Holocaust, were not because they were Jews, but because of their function in society. "The anti-Jewish [sentiment] was not because of their religion, but because of their function in society, which had to do with usury, banks, and so on," he said in his speech at the Palestinian National Council in Ramallah on April 30. Abbas further said that Hitler had struck a deal with the Jewish Anglo-Palestine Bank in Jerusalem to facilitate emigration of German Jews to Palestine. "Their narrative about coming to this country because of their longing for Zion, or whatever – we're tired of hearing this," he said. "The truth is that this is a colonialist enterprise, aimed at planting a foreign body in this region."

Posted by The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) on Wednesday, May 2, 2018

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We are honored to thank the young men and women of the IDF who risk their lives every day to protect the citizens of Israel. Since October 7th, soldiers have been on the battlefield for months - many are hoping to come home for Passover.

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