Plaintiffs are suing over fabricated testimony and events that falsely portrayed them as 'war criminals,' despite the fact that they acted in accordance with IDF guidelines.
After several violent incidents perpetrated by international observers against Hebron's Jewish community, residents are calling on the PM to drive them out.
The EU has given $290,000 to a program headed by three Israeli leftist groups seeking to eradicate the “culture of impunity” among Israeli security forces, a new report has exposed.
Hours before France suffered two terror incidents, dozens gathered in Jerusalem to protest the French consulate's 'subversive activities against Israel.'
Testimony by a spokesman for Breaking the Silence claiming that the IDF acted with violence against a Palestinian has proven to be false, Israel’s State Attorney said.
Asked to choose between Netanyahu and anti-Israel NGOs that call IDF soldiers "war criminals," German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel chose to meet with the latter.
After having smoked the peace pipe for over 20 years, many Israelis on the left of the political spectrum need help recovering from their delusions and addiction.
Sadly, on many college campuses, anti-Jewish sentiment is strong and is often masked merely as opposition to Israel. College students are indoctrinated from day one against the Jewish state, and are often exposed to one-sided and false information.
The terrorist who carried out the suicide bombing in Istanbul that killed three Israelis and an Iranian, and wounded dozens more, was affiliated with the Islamic State in Turkey.
Instead of merely proving that left-wing NGOs spread lies or deceive the public, the group Reservists in the Front has developed its own action plan to deal with moral issues which come up during IDF activities, as well as reporting specific events requiring IDF attention.
A Canadian Zionist organization withdrew participation in an upcoming Israel Independence Day event featuring an entertainer who promotes left-wing NGOs critical of the IDF.
Several hundred IDF combat reservists and officers are currently working to file a slander lawsuit against "Breaking the Silence," accusing the group of intentionally and consistently disseminating outright lies.
Israeli cabinet ministers gave preliminary approval for a bill that imposes restrictions on non-profit groups that receive foreign funding, which, proponents say, amounts to meddling in Israeli affairs.
Breaking the Silence, an anti-Israel NGO tarnishing the name of the IDF with false claims of war crimes, receives financial support from a Palestinian organization.
Israel publicized an official petition demanding that European countries stop funding organizations that promote the delegitimization of Israel and try to undermine its existence.
By meeting with Breaking the Silence, a leftist Israeli group that spreads baseless accusations against Israel's military, US administration officials demonstrate double standards and hypocrisy.
New deputy foreign ministry Tzipi Hotovely is fighting back against Israel's detractors who continuously seek to defame the IDF in the international arena by making false accusations.
Countering malicious allegations by a left-wing NGO, Israeli soldiers are publishing the truth about what transpired in Gaza during Operation Protective Edge.
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