Chuck Freilich, former deputy national security adviser in Israel who teaches at Columbia and Tel Aviv U, notes the number of cyber startups in Israel equals the number of cyber startups in the rest of the world besides the US.
Women’s hackathon participants developed a number of innovative technologies, including a vibrating bracelet that alerts the hearing impaired of incoming rockets.
Israel must remain on the cutting edge of cyber-defense, -security and -technology in order to maintain the safety and security of the state, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu wrote in a recent article.
On a visit to Israel this week, Google Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt praised the country's expertise in technology and entrepreneurship, saying that his company will continue investing here.
Cyber-attacks have increased by 900 percent since the launch of Operation Protective Edge, including scare tactics in a seeming attempt to intimidate Israelis.
On a four-day visit to Japan, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stressed common goals of both nations at meetings with political and business leaders.
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