An Israeli woman shelters during a Palestinian rocket attack. (screenshot) screenshot
Palestinian rocket attack

An resident of southern Israel shares the heart-stopping moments surrounding a rocket attack.

If you think that the rockets fired from Gaza only leave physical damage, you are terribly mistaken.

The anxiety and trauma caused by the attacks cause lasting damage to adults and children.

Watch as Yoni Shaked, an Israeli living in southern Israel takes you into the terrifying moments during a rocket attack.

Share this and let the world know what is really happening.

Israelis are Under Attack. Support Israel Today!

Want to help to people of Israel? Make a donation to help protect Israelis against Palestinian rockets and terror.

"It's a war"! Israel is under massive attack. Rockets falling. Arabs rioting. Thousands of explosions. Israelis being killed and injured. Sirens blare, only seconds to run for cover.

To fight terror and protect Israeli citizens, UWI provides bomb shelters, anti-terror and security equipment, emergency medical assistance, relief to victims' families and much more. Help Israel to fight and win the war against terror. The time to act is now!


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Now more than ever, Israel needs your help to fight and win the war -- including on the battlefield of public opinion.

Antisemitism, anti-Israel bias and boycotts are out of control. Israel's enemies are inciting terror and violence against innocent Israelis and Jews around the world. Help us fight back!