November 12th, 2014

Two pure and beautiful souls, murdered for their one and only crime of being Jewish. And this is the reality of the Jewish people.


November 6th, 2014

How does the world deal with an enemy who courts death? By compromising morality and finding a new enemy. And so Israel is demonized and the Arab world is glorified.


November 5th, 2014

The current situation that we find ourselves in is war. That means a side must be chosen and action must be taken.


November 4th, 2014

“Beneath the Helmet- From High School to the Home front” follows five Israeli paratroopers as they mature from young graduates to experienced soldiers.     The film, to be shown on US college campuses, aims to improve the public image of Israel after it was ravaged in the news following Operation Protective Edge.  Producer Raphael... Read more »


October 30th, 2014

The clearly targeted murder attempt last night of civil- rights-for-Jews-on-the-Temple-Mount Rabbi Yehuda Glick was a catastrophe waiting to happen.


October 23rd, 2014

My family and I have been in Israel for 3 months now. We came at the beginning of Operation Protective Edge, and today, a 3 month old baby girl was killed in Jerusalem by a Hamas terrorist.


October 2nd, 2014

To my dear readers who observe Yom Kippur and to all my dear brothers and sisters who may be experiencing a screaming and crying soul like I had all those years ago: Come back home! Most people generally love Chanukah or Passover. Some really go all out on Purim. Others love Rosh Hashana. When someone asks me... Read more »


September 21st, 2014

It is a great time of year to let go of past grievances and an equally great time to ask the Almighty to support us in granting those people complete amnesty.


September 15th, 2014

Would you like to know how much we accomplished during the summer? Zero! Zilch! And why? Because Hamas decided to ruin our summer by firing rockets at us.


September 3rd, 2014

Israel is the first and possibly last great hope for democracy in the Middle East. As such, the Jewish State must aspire to more than just exist.


September 3rd, 2014

Israel sacrifices blood and treasure to minimize harm to Gaza civilians. And yet somehow Israel is still accused of deliberately targeting civilians even when Hamas’ misfired rockets are responsible or when an IDF mistake happens.


August 29th, 2014

My daughter is almost eight months old and my son is two years old, but I don't believe that children are ever too young to learn from their environment.


August 29th, 2014

All of the labels melted away and all that was left were Jews, members of a single family celebrating a shared heritage in their beloved homeland.


August 27th, 2014

Though we think it's insanity to accept a truce with terrorists, I keep praying that our leaders see things from a perspective that none of us will ever see or hear.


August 25th, 2014

As the sun rises, the colors of the sky make a breathtaking picture. The changes from night to day, something we take for granted, is magical.


August 25th, 2014

While the beheading of an American journalist has raised concerns in the West about Islamist threats, Gaza seems to be a blind spot.


August 17th, 2014

I'm humbled with this opportunity to relate the story of my recent aliyah. The move was not easy. It required strength and determination that I didn't know I had.


August 12th, 2014

On Tuesday morning, 338 new olim (immigrants to Israel) arrived from North America, among them 108 lone soldiers. They were welcomed warmly at Ben-Gurion Airport by government officials as well as ordinary citizens who rose at the crack of dawn to make it for the 6 a.m. arrival. Following is a blog especially for all... Read more »


August 11th, 2014

In my heart of hearts, even in the excruciating pain of all of our losses, I truly believe that we've made our Father in Heaven proud of us.


August 10th, 2014

I give thanks to the three precious souls whose sacrifice potentially saved thousands and thousands of lives, and to the IDF soldiers fighting to keep us safe.


August 5th, 2014

During tough times, it is easier to turn and run. But as the sirens ring out and rockets continue to fall, I cannot bear the thought of being anywhere but here.
