August 13th, 2019

While it’s unlikely that AOC has ever heard of Dvir Sorek, her words lend credence to the idea that killing unarmed people in the name of justice is justified. 


July 28th, 2019

I don’t usually get involved in war scenarios, but after hearing the latest threats from Iran, followed by our PM’s video response, I was inspired.


June 20th, 2019

Collective rights vs national rights: As citizens, permanent residents are entitled to every right except one: to create an independent state inside of Israel.


June 11th, 2019

It’s time to recognize those Jews who possess the skill required to twist and distort history while also being blithely unaware of their own self-interest. 


May 26th, 2019

A majority of American Jews still profess a strong preference for the Democratic Party. The election of unabashed Jew-haters didn’t move the needle. For any student of history, and especially for Jews who have even a cursory understanding of our people’s journey over the past 1,000 years, it should be self-evident that the protection and... Read more »


May 12th, 2019

After the elections, the cabinet slots in the Knesset have changed, and it might give organizations like Return to the Mount a fair chance to play their game.
