(Gili Yaari/Flash90) (Gili Yaari/Flash90)
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Eyal Golán, uno de los cantantes israelíes más conocidos, y uno de los Embajadores de Israel dentro del Pueblo Judío, le dedica esta canción a una de las cosas más grandes que nos haya pasado jamás: A Israel.

Escucha la canción, mira le vídeo y asómbrate de lo maravilloso que es este país, al que siempre siempre siempre DEFENDEREMOS.

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Do You Love Israel? Make a Donation - Show Your Support!

Donate to vital charities that help protect Israeli citizens and inspire millions around the world to support Israel too!

Now more than ever, Israel needs your help to fight and win the war -- including on the battlefield of public opinion.

Antisemitism, anti-Israel bias and boycotts are out of control. Israel's enemies are inciting terror and violence against innocent Israelis and Jews around the world. Help us fight back!


Donate to Israel