December 18th, 2015

We are paying a heavy price for the protracted apathy of successive Israeli leaders who chose to ignore our rights to the Land and avoided their inclusion in the school curriculum.


December 11th, 2015

Trump’s proposal to ban the entry into US of Muslims is no more racist than similar established policies which raised no outcry by US or anyone else. (Published originally in With the country, and now, slowly parts of the rest of the world, in a state of outrage over presidential candidate Donald Trump’s controversial statement to cut... Read more »


December 2nd, 2015

In the rush to fulfill their election promise to bring in 25,000 Syrian refugees by year’s end – at least now, the date has changed to March 2016 – the new Liberal government is ignoring the most-at risk refugees: the non-Muslims targeted for genocide by the Islamic State (ISIS). They  can more than fulfill the... Read more »


November 29th, 2015

I held off on writing an article about Paris until now. The wounds are too deep and people are still trying to comprehend what exactly took place. This is France’s 9/11, or damn close to it. As a blogger in the Pro-Israel community, its easy to get caught up in the “This happens in Israel... Read more »


November 23rd, 2015

The Amalekites, the Islamists, are on the march, encouraged by the West when we refused to respond to their attacks on the Jews. What excuses will our Western leaders make now?


November 17th, 2015

Where are the mourners for the Jews? When we close our eyes to terrorists in Israel, we give implicit approval for their barbaric tactics elsewhere. I opened the [Canadian] National Post on Monday morning and read these words from Harriet Alida Lye, a novelist and freelance writer living in Paris and Canada. “Unlike the Charlie Hébdo... Read more »


November 10th, 2015

On November 6 Fox News reported that “President Obama has concluded that a peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinians cannot be reached during the remainder of his time in office, White House officials said Thursday. The Washington Post quoted Rob Malley, the National Security Council’s senior director for the Middle East, as saying that... Read more »


November 9th, 2015

I want our government not to care about what the world says. Let the world know this land is our land. And if the world wants to scream at us, so be it.


November 5th, 2015

I know that there is disagreement about the situation in Israel. However, when it comes to terror, there is no “other opinion.” There is only right and wrong.


October 31st, 2015

On January 13, 1898, Emile Zola wrote an open letter in the newspaper L’Aurore the world-shaking J’accuse, which was pivotal to the re-opening of the Dreyfus trial and the exposure of the treason and conspiracy that made this Jew a scapegoat in an anti-Semitic French society convicted wrongly and sentenced to Devil’s Island. His article... Read more »


October 30th, 2015

Children aren’t ours to possess or own in any way. When we know this in the depths of our soul, we tailor our raising of them to their needs, rather than molding them to fit our needs. – Shefali Tsabary   My husband attended the wedding of a Jewish client of ours, and he came... Read more »


October 26th, 2015

Terrorists are getting younger and younger. Ages 13, 15, 17 and up, these children are emotionally abused by family, teachers and clerics from birth until adulthood. They are brainwashed to hate Jews and Israelis.


October 12th, 2015

“Aren’t you afraid to live in Israel” is the most common question I get these days from my friends on Facebook who live in "Chutz l'Aretz" [outside of Israel].


September 21st, 2015

At the end of the day, it is not about the dead at all, it is really all about us, the living. They are just mirrors that allow us to reflect upon our own lives. I am so fed up with cynicism and negativity. It is enormously destructive to be cynical in ways that can... Read more »
